Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday 75.6% 59W 19L 78T

I had quite a bit of time today to simutrade. Initially I was trying to trail stops and get the "big moves". I was getting beat down badly. I was down over 6 points early. I stayed calm and focused on the signals and started looking for my usual 1 pointers. In the end I did 22.5 points NET. Also today my fees were lower, which is a good sign of control. I still had a lot of even or near break even trades. If I made a mistake I did not wait around to "see what happens".

$5 is cheap insurance to close a trade that was not valid!

Instead of trailing a stop I was able to double dip on some of the moves. I will admit 4-6 of the points were hail mary's at resistance and support levels. I also had a nice trade which I took for no reason but a breakdown of support back to a pivot which was 3-4 points. S&R to me is what the market really is about. It just so happens my system often also gives signals at those levels.

Trade of the Day today is the trade which was NOT THE SYSTEM, but S&R breakdown.

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