Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday 78.6% winners 70W 19L 89T

Another very volatile day. Look at the mess between 13:05 and 13:30 - Obama must have made some news. Plenty of trades to choose from. I was able to simutrade quite a bit today. I ended up NET 12.5 points. Some of that was the system and a few were from a new dynamic support and resistance system I created. All said, even without those trades the raw system won enough to more than make the daily point goal. Again - a weekly goal of 10 points net is the goal and I made that in one day again.

Trading was tough. I need to be very focused and I moved stops a few times - a total no no. I am disappointed in my performance. At one point I was up quite a bit more and my fees were less than 50% of my profits...but I got sloppy.

Still using one contract to simutrade.

Trade of the day was a short coming out of the lunchtime move up.

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