Base System: 34W-8L=42T= 81%
Sub System: 12W-3L= 80%
Trading Accuracy: 88.24% 15 Wins 1 loss 1 Break Even
Net profit: +$907.00
Net Points: +18 points
Today looked like the END OF THE WORLD. We gapped down and continued to tank the whole day like clockwork. I traded longs and shorts, slightly favoring shorts. Even in this massive down move I grabbed long profits, love it! Now we have an open gap which will be a nice trade in the future I am sure.
I had left my DOM set to two contracts, so I went with it. There is nothing more satisfying than getting your initial target, having the stop automatically move to breakeven and trailing a small runner to see what else you can get. There is no stress at that point. I did try and peel off one contract if the move was going against me more than 1 point.
Most of my trading was in the lunchtime doldrums and slightly thereafter. Things just felt good today, I was again in the zone. I connected a new way today to my home pc and had quite a bit less delay, although at times it was still a handicap in trade management. My one big loss was a full stop out while I was driving to work and away from the screen. But I kept it in my P&L anyway to try and recover from it.
The best signal of the day was fast moving long (while I was away of course). See attached chart.
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