Base System: 41W-4L=45T= 91.1%
Sub System: 13W-2L= 86.7%
Sub System: 13W-2L= 86.7%
Trading Accuracy: 80%
Net profit: +$395.40
Net Points: +6.75
I had under one hour to watch the markets today and it was not a calm rational hour either. Very distracted and placed some bad trades. I did manage to pull off a winning day though. I missed most of the great S&R trades today, I saw at least 6 of them or more.
My P&L seemed off so I checked my DOM. It appears a short was placed while I was driving to work. I double checked and I do not see any reason why this would have been. Either I was hacked, or a house cat stepped on my mouse. I did deduct that loss from my posted P&L. I did not place this order and this was a first. If I include that loss I still made more than my daily goal, so all things considered a great day.
We had some serious buying going on and almost hit that 850 level which I was waiting for to hammer the longs. Chart of the day shows a long trade at the open. I was in this one, but had to jump out early due to work. I actually got into two of the huge long moves today, but was not able to trail loose enough to get the major move.
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