Base System: 22W-3L=25T= 88% potential
Sub System: 11W-2L=13T= 84.6% potential
The market looked "normal" and seemed to be giving decent signals. Since I had a great chance to give the market my nearly full attention, I decided to go all out. I technically traded badly generating just $1500 off of 100 contracts traded. I did have one really bad trade I let run against me. I did however kill off many losers quickly and did manage to scalp small winners off of high probability continuations from earlier signals. (this was a new tactic). I was layering 5-10 contracts and scalping .5 points off of moves I really felt would go slightly higher.
I like to be active, which can be a detriment in trading. There are certainly higher probability plays with my system. If I waited for those and pressed those setups with more contracts, I think I could really have a nice risk to reward ratio.
I wrapped up before noon so I did not see the afternoon session. It looks like we had slow trends up and the smashing shorts coming down fast. Maybe it was market orders on stops getting triggered.
Chart of the day shows a nice clear short mid morning.
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