Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday: 90% +$622.30 Minimal Action

Base System: 36W -4L=40T = 90%
Sub System: 13W - 3L= 16T = 81.3%

Yet again, not much time to trade. I caught some pre market LONG action off the pivot level while shaving this morning. Then massive travel for work, then a busy day where I snuck in a few hectic trades. I had a 1 pointer completed, but felt it was going to go for more. It did not and I ended up scaled in waiting nearly an hour for the move to come. By the time it finally did what I had expected, I was in for 14 contracts (I had my DOM set to 3 at a time). The bigger problem was as it finally popped, I only got 3/4 point out of it because I had to be away from the screen and felt compelled to finally close the trade early. It went on to deliver quite a few more points very quickly. My daily total would be more like $1500 had I waited.

I don't want to sound like I am making excuses. First off I never should in 14 contracts, not now and not for a long time to come. Secondly, trying to trade while working and avoiding prying eyes is really nerve wracking. On the other hand, I will suffer a real adjustment period if I ever get to give the market full attention!

Chart of the day shows the initial signal at 11am CST which delivered 1 point - the right side of the chart shows the move I was waiting for and finally caught a little bit of. I guess with only 15 total contracts traded today I did ok. For the most part my average profit per contract has been growing and my fees have been shrinking.

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