Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday: The Holy Grail found ?

Base System: 27W-6L=33T= 81.8%
Sub System: 12W-3L=15T= 80%
Summer Camp System: Winner -

Ok, some good trades today some bad and not enough time really to get profitable. No big deal, I was comfortable I could have gathered some net points if time would have allowed. Negative $35.00 and some change.

I took some time tonight (after Quotetracker crashed) to recover my charting setup and reload some older data. The price action system is valid from months ago. This is encouraging news. Imagine being able to trade with nothing but the price charts! In my case that opens up some freedom from the proprietary system I have created.

I have a talent for noticing patterns, let's just say it's in my DNA and leave it at that. So while I am opening my mind up to this new idea, I keep seeing more potential setups. So I run into one tonight that just may be the holy grail. So far I have yet to see it ever lose and as a bonus it allows the trade to go as planned with NO HEAT at all. So far the signal seems somewhat rare compared to other signals. I just have this feeling based on the way its formed that it's a real winner, possibly a 100% or 95% signal.

Stay tuned as always. This is all happening live on the blog for posterity and a chronological record of my progression.

Update 06/23/09 - This signal is reliable in the 75-85% range and does indeed lose at times. Not the holy grail, but tradeable.

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